Monday, February 22, 2010

Couples Retreat

Last night my husband and I watched the movie "Couples Retreat".  Found it humorous, a bit over-the-top, but following the movie we did ask ourselves the question "What do we do for fun?"  Sometimes, as a couple, we get so caught up in the day to day-ness of doing life, we forget to have fun, together.  I think on occasion we stumble across it accidently and are reminded of how good it feels to laugh and just 'be' together, but the responsibilities of life can easily overshadow those moments.  So, we made a list of activities we'd like to incorporate into our weekly activities that are focussed simply on having fun together.  It required some creativity, just to keep it within the reality of our budget. (I could put together quite a list of dream vacations and travel!) We will need to be intentional and disciplined with this aspect of our relationship.  What can you do for fun, together?  As couples we need to consistently deposit to our 'fun accounts' with positive interaction together, it's what will help sustain us through the tougher times we face in our relationships.  So go have some fun together!

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